Yonkers Truancy

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The Social and Personal Impacts of Chronic Truancy‎
This excerpt from the 2/12/08 draft Juvenile Justice Strategy and Action Plan prepared by the Yonkers Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (YJCEC) gives an overview of the social and personal impacts of chronic truancy. It concludes that: The potential long-term benefits of addressing chronic truancy, especially in early grades, are enormous. New procedures could identify and help bring early intervention services to hundreds of high-risk youth in high-risk families who would otherwise in most cases float through the system unaided until they emerged again into public view as teenage delinquents, dropouts, and criminals. The early intervention services provided will not be able to save every student or turn around every dysfunctional family, but they offer our best hope for reducing school failure, violence, drug abuse and crime in Yonkers.